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Российские ракетные войска и авиация поразили два ангара с вооружением и военной техникой Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) на территории аэродрома Школьный в районе Одессы. Об этом заявил журналистам в среду, 22 марта, официальный представитель Минобороны генерал-лейтенант Игорь Конашенков.

Представитель ведомства пояснил, что российской армии за сутки удалось нанести поражение 83 артиллерийским подразделениям противника на огневых позициях, а живой силе и технике в 112 районах.

В Минобороны добавили, что российские военные уничтожили склад боеприпасов украинской территориальной обороны в районе Кисловки под Харьковом. Кроме того, средства противовоздушной обороны (ПВО) России за сутки уничтожили 26 украинских беспилотников, а также сбили три снаряда реактивной системы залпового огня (РСЗО) HIMARS.

До этого стало известно, что российские военные выбили украинских бойцов из укрепрайона в Марьинке в Донецкой народной республике (ДНР).

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Moscow expels 34 out of 90 German diplomats working in Russia from the country. This is reported by Bild with reference to its own sources.

It is clarified that such a measure was a response to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Germany.

The fact that Berlin has decided on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats was reported earlier on April 22. "The German authorities have decided on another mass expulsion of employees of Russian diplomatic missions in Germany," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Later it was reported that as part of the decision on mass expulsion, the German authorities expelled more than 20 Russian diplomats from the country. At the same time, the exact number of employees of the Russian department was not called.

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The conflict in Ukraine can be resolved only through direct negotiations between Kiev and Moscow. This was stated by Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in an interview with La Stampa.

According to him, Italy guarantees Ukraine the right to self-defense and at the same time tries to achieve a peaceful settlement. "The only thing we can try to do is not to end the war, but to stop the clash and try to seat two interlocutors at the same table who are not talking to each other," he stressed.

Crosetto also said that the UN, in turn, has lost the ability to end conflicts, and in order to achieve peace in Ukraine, another mediator is needed, which can also be China.

Earlier, Tarcisio Gazzini, professor of international law at the Italian University of Padua, said that Ukraine should agree to a peaceful settlement and recognize part of its former territory as Russian. According to him, Kiev should voluntarily agree to the revision of the country's borders, since this is "the only possible alternative to military operations."

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) questioned the users of the Discord server, on which secret Pentagon documents appeared. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing sources familiar with the matter.

In particular, the FBI spoke with friends of the US National Guard Air Force serviceman Jack Teixeira, accused of leaking intelligence. In particular, the bureau staff was interested in how the server participants first met Teixeira and what video games they played together.

One of the users told WP that the detainee started posting secret documents in December last year. At the same time, two other interlocutors noted that Teixeira began doing this in the summer of 2022.

Earlier, The New York Times reported that the first leak in Discord occurred less than 48 hours after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Earlier, FBI agents arrested US National Guard Air Force serviceman Jack Teixeira, suspected of organizing the leak of secret Pentagon documents.

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По поиску вывоз мусора в ленобласти кировский район Вы на правильном пути. Мы уже большое количество лет промышляем проблемами вывоза крупногабаритного мусора, который запрещено выбрасывать в простые контейнеры. Весь мусор отправляется на утилизацию.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) questioned the users of the Discord server, on which secret Pentagon documents appeared. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing sources familiar with the matter.

In particular, the FBI spoke with friends of the US National Guard Air Force serviceman Jack Teixeira, accused of leaking intelligence. In particular, the bureau staff was interested in how the server participants first met Teixeira and what video games they played together.

One of the users told WP that the detainee started posting secret documents in December last year. At the same time, two other interlocutors noted that Teixeira began doing this in the summer of 2022.

Earlier, The New York Times reported that the first leak in Discord occurred less than 48 hours after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Earlier, FBI agents arrested US National Guard Air Force serviceman Jack Teixeira, suspected of organizing the leak of secret Pentagon documents.

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По поиску вывоз мусора в ленобласти кировский район Вы на правильном пути. Мы уже большое количество лет промышляем проблемами вывоза крупногабаритного мусора, который запрещено выбрасывать в простые контейнеры. Весь мусор отправляется на утилизацию.
Berlin has decided on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats. This is reported on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"The German authorities have decided on another mass expulsion of employees of Russian diplomatic missions in Germany," the report says.

The diplomatic department stressed that they strongly condemn Berlin's actions. According to the representative of the Foreign Ministry, Russian-German relations continue to deteriorate.

On Friday, April 21, it became known that the German authorities planned to once again reduce Russia's diplomatic presence in the country. According to sources in the Foreign Ministry, thus the FRG is deliberately following the path of escalation in "already very difficult bilateral relations."

Materials on the topic today:

Moscow has promised to mirror the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from Berlin. This is stated in a statement on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The Foreign Ministry reported that in response to Berlin's hostile actions, Russia will also expel German diplomats and significantly limit the maximum number of employees of German diplomatic missions in the country. It is noted that the German Ambassador to Russia, Geza Andreas von Geir, was notified of this decision.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also accused Germany of violating its promise not to advertise the expulsion of Russian diplomats. "The German side, despite its repeated assurances of unwillingness to advertise this story, violated them by informing representatives of the media regularly used to organize "controlled leaks and information issues" about its venture," the ministry said.

Earlier it became known that Berlin had decided on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats. The Russian diplomatic department stressed that they strongly condemn the actions of Germany, because of which the relations of the countries continue to collapse.

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